One of Scenic Michigan’s goals is to serve as Michigan’s information clearinghouse on scenic conservation. In order to do this, and to provide betters services for our members and our communities, we are continuing the process of collecting, storing, and distributing adopted municipal ordinances relevant to scenic conservation.
This series of ordinances, shared on a publicly accessible Google Drive, focuses on exterior lighting so that communities can help to support dark skies initiatives through regulation. The Google Drive located on the link below is a collection of lighting ordinances pulled from ordinances across the State. Lighting ordinances are intended to reduce light from spilling into the night sky and onto adjacent properties. These ordinances can be used for concerned citizens who are noticing new lighting in regard to updates in technology, business owners looking for guidance on how to install new lights, and for municipal officials who are looking to re-write their existing code and want to pull from existing best practices.
In the future, we hope to provide additional guidance on lighting tips to protect our night skies for all of our communities!
To find the Google Drive folder for Michigan Lighting Ordinances click here!