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Scenic Michigan 2018 Scenic Heros

By February 12, 2019March 15th, 2019News

Last night we presented Troy resident, Alec Peeples (Keep Troy Beautiful) and the City of Troy with Scenic Hero Awards! Thanks to good community organizing (following the permitting of 5 digital billboards in Troy) and a responsive City Council, the City of Troy adopted a new sign ordinance in 2018 that prohibits all “off premise” signage in the City of Troy. In other words, billboards and other signage not related to the business on the property are now prohibited. And those ugly billboards will eventually be removed. We thank Alec Peeples (and all the members of Keep Troy beautiful) for taking pride in Troy’s appearance and being vocal about the dangers of visual pollution. And we applaud the City of Troy for listening, taking this bold step, and prioritizing good community design and roadway safety over the profits of billboard companies.

Scenic Michigan developed the Scenic Hero award to recognize individuals, businesses, and communities that make a significant and lasting contribution to preserving, protecting, and enhancing the scenic character of Michigan’s roads and communities.